That was very thought provoking and the first part where you mentioned traditions reminded me of Section 123:7 where it says (in part) about that "influence of that spirit which hath so strongly riveted the creeds of the fathers, who have inherited lies, upon the hearts of the children, and filled the world with confusion,"... Those creeds and traditions affect our thought patterns and we tend to put God in a box so that He can only give something in the way that we will receive it.

The other part that I found interesting was that part about blessing a person. I have given "patriarchal blessings" to some of my children and I approached the matter prayerfully and focused on them and I even tend to write down a few thoughts that are delivered to me, some have been interesting. There is another amazing part of these blessings, even written down as they are (which doesn't preclude that inspiration may add other aspects to the blessing anyway) but I tell my children that they may think that I didn't say it all or enough and that their husband's or wife's blessing was so much longer, "why isn't mine longer or more detailed?" My reply, is I believe a correct principle, and I tell them that in a few years from now, you will re-read that blessing and your mind will be expanded so that you will learn that it really is all there and that the Lord will expand your mind to see the deeper meaning or layers that are actually there and just not unfolded to you right now, perhaps because you aren't observing the complete law upon which it is predicated, but when you do, the reality of the promises will manifest themselves right off the paper and you will know. That continues to happen, but some of my children choose a different path, don't grasp that "law upon which it is predicated" and miss out. Perhaps someday they will return to that blessing and make it real or just think that their father was a "visionary and devout religionist." It doesn't discount that the blessing still has to be realized because of where it really came from. I love the idea that Joseph wrote down a dedication... it takes some amazing spiritual connections to write. Thanks Drew for bringing this to light. --- David

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Thanks, David - I worried that my comments might feel a bit rushed. Yeah - traditions are the big spirituality crusher of our time. Joseph frequently complained that the people couldn't receive his revelations/teachings because they were so mired in traditions. I'm constantly re-looking at doctrines and ideas to see if maybe I'm partaking in that same activity - that is, interpreting based on past things I've learned rather than based on what the text actually says.

I love that approach with your children. I can't swear by it but I believe it was Joseph who taught people that they could get a second blessing later in life based upon their life's choices (that may or may not have been consistent with receiving the blessings in their first blessing). Sadly, and either way, people seem to really struggle with the idea that you have to live the law that produces the blessing, not just skate along and receive it out of some sort of entitlement.

God bless

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