Jul 1Liked by Drew Briney

This one drives me

Man is destined to be a God and has to act as an independent being, and is left without aid to see what he will do, whether he will be for God, and to practice him to depend on his own resources, and try his independency. To be righteous in the dark. To be the friend of God and do the best I can when left to myself - act on my agency as the independent Gods, and [thus we] show our capacity.

--Brigham Young, January 28, 1857, The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young 3:1215.

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Oh - I love this quote and it's new to me. Yes - this is the conundrum of the follow the prophet mantra. How can we truly prepare to be gods if we are not ourselves learning to act independently as one? We can offer some pithy answers (obedience leads to trust and independence for one) but the question runs deep if we analyze it carefully.

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Jul 9Liked by Drew Briney

Here is an interesting thought I just came across. I was reading in the collective discourses where Heber C. Kimball says, "If I want to honor God, let me honor those whom he has sent and whom he has placed to dictate and control the affairs of his kingdom." Ok, Heber, what if the "saints" failed at this? What if we have failed to honor God with all of the changes in ordinances? To change an ordinance ignorantly or with logic is to DIS-honor God, regardless of intention? To you point earlier about the washing and anointing ordinances and symbolism there....completely vanished! What a sham! I have been around enough people in small and large gathering to observe a few things. In that, I am afraid we have offended God and since nobody knows where there is one as strong as Joseph, Brigham, or John Taylor, it is a reasonable assumption that God will as the Jacob chapters teach, there's about to be a bonfire of the wicked that will include plenty of collateral damage? If I die, I die:)

Run of the mill mormons believe that Joseph said the church won’t be taken from the earth until the millennium. I think what he said closer resembled that the priesthood won’t be taken off the earth until then. Since the church sprang from the priesthood and not the other way around, could imply that his administrative powers will never stay within any church that strays away... regardless the size! The only logical conclusion is that the Holy Priesthood was given to another people and we will be blessed if we ever hear the gospel preached by God's authorized servants in our lifetime. Quite depressing, but closer to reality when nobody knows where to find the truth again. Thoughts?

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