the message can't sound so very strange to the hearer that it can't be understood.

In Buddhism this principle is called "expedient means". The message is presented in a way that it can be understood. All communication is a work of art calculated to have a specific effect. Elizabethan speech forms were necessary for the specific people, place and time. in our own time these cultural forms actually impede the naturalness of speech, especially prayer.

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I agree - I find this especially frustrating when it keeps younger people from studying the gospel because it is hard for them to read. One could argue that maybe they're not really dedicated to the gospel anyway if they don't push through that but I find that rather mean-hearted. I love how William Tyndale said he was translating the Bible so that even the plowboy could understand it.

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You do not like to argue - you just love to debate!!

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precisely ... but maybe "argue" wards of would-be-trolls. lol

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