Jul 21Liked by Drew Briney

I am grateful for the information in this podcast. So many questions to take to the Lord in prayer. Thank you for bringing this topic to the platform. I look forward to future podcasts. Blessings.

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Sure thing! I've been excited to see more people stepping up and wanting to dig into these topics so I'm happy to share some of what I've learned. God bless.

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So good to learn more about the original endowment and the second anointing. So much of the history isn't part of Elder's Quorum conversations in Church these days. I'd love to chat with you about this sometime.

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Yeah - I've discovered that most of the interesting parts of Mormonism are largely ignored by most every group of the restoration for one reason or another. I just don't understand it.

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Says a lot about a person when they aren't hungering and thirsting after more insight and understanding of God - there is SO MUCH to know.

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