Aug 20Liked by Drew Briney

I know that you want this blog to focus on the academic works, however your testimony is very moving. Please consider sharing more of your testimony. You might find that there are more people than you suspect that are looking for truth. The issue I have is there are lots of fundamentalist groups that have truths however they have gone astray at some point.

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🙏🏻 I’ll give this more thought, thank you

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During my mission in 1974 Joseph Fielding Smith's "Essentials In Church History" was part of the required reading. I felt deeply connected to the flow of the narrative until the turn of the century. Then the whole feeling of the narrative felt "flattened" and dreary. From that point on I was launched into a trajectory to recover the faith of my ancestors.

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I was a member for about 13 years, maybe more. I felt like I'd learned the curriculum really well but thirsted for more so I started reading the teachings of the early brethren. I was shocked (and irritated to be honest) when a high priest told me that if I didn't stop studying the early prophets, I'd end up apostate. I thought "how can studying the words of the prophets lead me into apostasy?" That never made sense to me. I can wrap my head around the intellectual rationale, but that doesn't make it sensible when you take a step back.

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